Wallpaper - Toiles de Jouy - Embrace

Casadeco Toiles de Jouy

The Casadeco Toiles de Jouy wallpaper collection brings these historic prints back to life by transforming them.

New colors, streamlined patterns and improved techniques.

The Casadeco Toiles de Jouy wallpaper collection is not yet the same it always has been.

Eijffinger Embrace

Do you have a weakness for cuddly textures and refined details that you only discover when you look closely? this Eijffinger Embrace wallpaper collection is an intriguing expression of natural materials. Structures full of connection, skillfully crafted into a beautiful product. Tactile relief characterizes this fascinating collection. Warm neutrals, blushing earth tones, misty gray-green and intimate ochre enrich your interior. Surround yourself every day with warmth and feel the warm embrace of Embrace.
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